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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Parent/CARER Forum / Parent/CARER View

Understanding the views of parents and carers is vitally important to Worthing High School.

Parents/carers are encouraged to contact the school directly to discuss issues and obtain support from our staff at any time. 

Parents/carers can also record their views of the school on the DFE Parent View Site - CLICK HERE for access.

We also run a Parent Forum. 

Our aim of our parent/carer forum is to enable the school and governors to consult with a representation of the parent body on issues pertinent to the school and gather invaluable feedback from parents/carers that can be used for our continuous improvement.

The parent/carer forum to meets once every term. The meetings are chaired by the Executive Headteacher and attended by Senior Assistant Headteacher, Nick Mariosa and Link Governor, Amanda Allibone.