Big Interview 2025
Volunteer Interviewers Required Please - Can you help us???
As a school, Worthing High School is very proactive with face-to-face events and opportunities for our students to meet and be involved with local businesses and employees, as these are a vital part of our student’s ongoing development and character building, particularly in preparation for their next steps as they progress into Further Education and future employment.
Throughout the school year, we hold a Focus Day each term which provides all students with the opportunity to take part in a range of activities to enrich their knowledge of life both related to school and the outside world. A number of these will involve and require the support of both local and national businesses as well as individuals. In addition to this, we also have an ongoing programme of one-off presentations which are delivered during assemblies & also curriculum time, relevant to the subject being taught.
Our next Focus Day is being held on Thursday 13 February 2025 & we will be once again hosting one of the main events in the school calendar, which is our very successful and recognised annual ‘Big Interview’ event for Year 10, which is held in school. The timings are from 8.45am-1.30pm.
The ‘Big Interview’ enables each of our Year 10 students to receive a 10-minute interview from one of the local volunteer business partners or individuals on the day. The interview is not planned for a specific job, but to prepare students for what general questions they may be presented with in either future job interviews or at upcoming college and/or further education interviews.
For many, if not all of our Year 10 students, this will be a scenario that they will not have been in before, but feedback from previous events is that they all really thrive on the opportunity, and it has a real positive impact on each of them as they prepare for their future pathways.
We are actively looking for volunteer interviewers for this event and if this is something that you or your colleagues would be able to support us, please can you email the Schools Careers Advisor, Martin Fisher. and he can happily provide you with further details.
Volunteers do not have to have experience of holding interviews as this will be more of a two-way conversation approach and this exercise will provide students with useful feedback on body language, question & answer techniques as well as giving them direct experience of a 1:1 conversation with an unknown person in a interview-like situation.
We will also provide refreshments for all interviewers and the event is always an opportunity for volunteers to meet and network with others.
Thank you for any support you can provide.