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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Geography - Curriculum Information


Curriculum Intent 


Curriculum Sequencing 

Aims of the Geography Department

  • To excite students to take Geography further at college and university
  • To engage everyone with their surroundings and the environment.
  • To ensure all students develop a dynamic skill set which will benefit them in their later life.
  • To excite students both within the class and through various field-trips, locally and abroad.
  • To encourage students to enthusiastically explore and question the world around them.
  • To encourage every student to fulfil or exceed their potential in a supportive environment

Departmental Staff

Mrs C Glover (Leader of Geography)

Ms L Sinsbury (Teacher of Geography)

Mrs C Conrad (Teacher of Geography)

Mrs A Gannaway (Teacher of Geography)


  • Three well-equipped geography specialist teaching rooms
  • Professional partnerships with Higher and Further Education Institutions and feeder primary and middle schools.

Our Philosophy

Every child matters in Geography and we enjoy working with our students and their families so that they achieve their full potential.

We firmly believe that anything can be achieved if you work hard, with enthusiasm, resilience and support.

We pride ourselves on teaching lessons and providing experiences which students learn from, remember and enjoy time after time.

Key Stage Three (Year 7-9)

KS3 Geography is a series of dynamic, engaging units of work which aim to excite and encourage a passion for Geography throughout. Students learn a range of topics, from tourism to tectonics. We aim to provide students with a breadth of geographical knowledge whilst developing skills which can be applied throughout the school and in their later life. Social, emotional and moral developments are also embedded throughout geography (for example, Year 8 students compare their life to similar age children in the Kibera slum in Kenya). Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is a fantastic foundation on which to build on to achieve the very best outcomes at GCSE. 

“Geography is my favourite subject! We do something different every lesson, and my teachers make my lessons exciting and interesting. I love to learn about the world around me." - Ella - Year 8 pupil.

KS4 (Year 10 and 11)

In Year 10 and 11 we teach the AQA Specification A syllabus. KS4 Geography provides a varied series of topics which aim to excite students throughout. Active learning, differentiation, group work and stretch and challenge are all embedded into each topic. Our students are passionate about the subject and develop skills which will benefit them throughout their future careers.

 The final GCSE grade is split into three sections:

· Unit 1 - Physical Geography (35%)

· Unit 2 - Human Geography (35%):

· Unit 3- Geographical Applications and Skills (30%) 

“Geography is really interesting; it never fails to amaze me. I look forward to my Geography lessons; the teachers are fun and encourage me to learn more every time. As a result, I am consistently working above my target level. The Geography staff provide great opportunities to learn both inside the classroom, and beyond. I am very excited to take part in the Italy trip – it will be a great learning experience. I am also visiting Brighton University for a day of master classes covering a range of interesting and relevant geographical concepts." - Nick - Year 10 pupil.

Additional Sessions

Period 6 - Friday

Revision Sessions

For Easter Revision Sessions, please see Exam Support and Timetables page - under Teaching & Learning.