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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Year 10 Revision Tips

To help the Year 10 students get in to the right frame of mind for future assessments and exams, please encourage them to revise little and often at home, and remember to cover a broad range of subjects.

Rather than spending a long time on a single focus, short bursts (up to 45 minutes) of revision across different topics is suggested to be more effective (see, with breaks built in between revision slots. Students should choose somewhere they are comfortable revising and make a plan before starting so all areas are covered in that week. We should also encourage eating healthy brain food when they revise, such as: veggie snacks, nuts, berries, bananas or dark chocolate. They also need to keep hydrated with plenty of water but limit this somewhat before bed!  Please encourage students to use their class work effectively by making notes, reading around the subject and researching any areas they are unclear on, whether this is asking the teacher directly or using the internet.

Mr. Gill

Progress Leader, Year 10