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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Google Classroom Launch

We are excited to announce our ‘Google Classroom’ launch in September

After much research, we feel strongly that the tools offered by ‘Google Classroom’ are superior to those offered by other companies; therefore, from September, all homework, coursework and some IT-based classwork will be set on ‘Google Classroom’. This will replace our current use of ‘Satchel One’ (formerly ‘Show My Homework’) and ‘Microsoft Teams’. 

Many of our students have already had experience with ‘Google Classroom’; with key stage 3 classes receiving ICT lessons on how to use ‘Google Classroom’ and some departments trialling the use of ‘Google Classroom’ to set coursework and homework at key stage 4. 

From a teacher’s perspective, ‘Google Classroom’ allows us to easily set assignments; see students working on assignments in real-time; quiz students; track and monitor progress and contact students and parents/guardians quickly. 

As a parent or guardian, you will be able to subscribe to either daily or weekly ‘guardian summaries’. In the summary, you will be able to review missing work, upcoming work and any newly posted assignments and announcements from your child’s class teachers. You will receive an email in September inviting you to subscribe to the ‘guardian summaries’; however, more information on this can be found here.

Alongside this launch, all departments will also be activating their own ‘Google Sites’. These are websites available for our students to access anytime. From the ‘Google Sites’, students will be able to see what topics they will cover over each academic year and have access to a range of resources to support their independent learning: revision materials, further reading lists, links to helpful websites and videos etc. Further information about this will be available in the near future. 

We will continue to send out updates regarding the launch of ‘Google Classroom’; however, if you have any initial queries or concerns, please contact

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