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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Latest News

Our latest news stories are below:

December 2019

  • 18/12/19

    Sponsored Walk Final Total

    We were delighted to welcome Caroline Roberts-Quigley from Chestnut Tree House on Tuesday. 
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  • 18/12/19

    Delivering our Xmas Hampers

    Worthing High Students create 75 hampers for local charities
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  • 12/12/19

    New Canteen Prices from Jan 2020

    Our catering provider – Catering Academy are increasing the price of a hot meal and dessert to £2.35 (currently £2.30) from 1.1.20 in line with the West Sussex County Council proposed increase for all secondary schools.
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  • 12/12/19

    Is your child eligible for Free School Meals

    Free school meals in West Sussex maintained and free schools and academies are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:
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  • 12/12/19

    Year 9 events coming up

    There are two important Year 9 events in the new term. Details are below.
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  • 12/12/19

    End of term student rewards

    Next week we will be recognising the hard work and achievement of our students in assemblies, with letters home, and invites to different events. Some of the reward events as follows:  
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  • 05/12/19

    End of Term and Start of Spring Term arrangements

    Details of our end of term, Christmas closure and start of Spring Term are below. 
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  • 05/12/19

    Non Uniform Day - Friday 20 December

    The school will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 20 December 2019.
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  • 05/12/19

    Christmas Carol Concert Tuesday 17 December 2019

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  • 05/12/19

    Worthing High Mock General Election 12th December

    In order to help inform our students to our General Election on 12 December we will be holding our own Mock Election on the 12th with presentations from all student leaders representing each political party.
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  • 04/12/19

    SDET AGM Monday 9 December 2019

    The Annual General Meeting of the SDET is on Monday 9 December at 4pm. 
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  • 04/12/19

    Canteen Price Changes from Jan 20

    School Canteen Price Changes from 1 January 2020
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December 2019