Careers Programme & Policy
Worthing High School – Careers Programme 2024-2025
The educational aims of Worthing High School are based on the strong fundamental principle that the education for each student is of equal value.
Our shared vision is to challenge students at every opportunity to be curious, independent, resilient, kind and, most importantly, academically inspired.
Our school seeks to achieve these aims through its provision for the academic, personal and social development of all our students.
We want them to have the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and access the further education & training pathway of their choice.
Through our Careers Education Programme we aim to widen pupils’ horizons, challenge stereotypes and raise aspirations. We set out to equip our students with knowledge, skills and experience they will need in order to:
- Learn about careers and the world of work. To identify and investigate all possible post-16 options, progression pathways and qualifications to guide their decisions about their education choices
- Develop career management and employability skills. To prepare for and manage transition to colleges, apprenticeships and further education pathways.
- Develop each student and help them to develop themselves whilst actively shaping a vision for each student’s future by expanding their awareness of themselves and their opportunities. To build & develop habits most desired by colleges, further education providers and employers.
Our Careers Programme is underpinned by the CDI Framework for Careers, Employability and Enterprise Education, 2020, and is quality assured termly through the Compass self-assessment tool in line with the good careers guidance produced by the Gatsby Foundation Benchmarks (2014)
Our Careers programme entitles each student to –
- Be provided in years 7-11 with independent careers guidance. Such guidance could include local employers, self-employed businesses, alumni, training providers and motivational speaker visits and learning methodology. This will be in various forms to include, mentoring, website access and personal advice. Information provided will be linked to a range of education and training options, including apprenticeships and technical education
- All pupils in years 7-11 will have at least one employer encounter per year
- All students in Year 11 will have at least one 1:1 career guidance interview with a Level 6 Qualified Careers Adviser
Key Objectives for KS3
- Knowing themselves through personality traits & identifying skills
- Exploring career pathways
- Considering options for GCSEs and the link with the future options
Key Objectives for KS4
- Experiencing the workplace
- CVs and Interview skills
- Preparing for Post-16 & knowing their goals, pathways and the requirements to reach those pathways