Remote Learning Provision
During any period of remote learning where a year group or large group of students will be required to work from, students should access their work via Google Classroom.
We will endeavour to begin each day with a live tutorial where students would join a Google meet in their tutor group Classroom. Students should have their camera on but remain silent for their teacher to begin the tutor session.
Depending on staffing levels within school, work may be set to be completed independently at home or live lessons may delivered in line with students normal timetables. Information about what students would be expected to do would be communicated in advance.
If a student is absent from school for reasons related to Covid-19 while school is fully open, there will be provision made for them to access their work from home should they be well enough to complete work at home. Parents / carers should notify the school of the reason for absence and the student would be added to our Remote Learning Classroom on Google. A daily registration will be held at 8:30 on Google Classroom with our Remote Learning Mentor and work will be posted for each lesson that the student would have that day in the relevant Classroom. Remote learning will only be set for other reasons for absence in exceptional circumstances.