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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Enrichment Opportunities

Worthing High School Residential Enrichment Provision Map

Aim - For our enrichment opportunities to have further supported our students in being prepared to participate and contribute to life in modern Britain.  

Focus Days

A focus day is a time where students come off their academic timetable and participate in workshops or trips. The aim is to provide students with experiences outside of the classroom. They also provide students opportunities to continue to address SMSC (social, moral, spiritual cultural), PSHE (personal, social and health education), British Values and career topics. There are three focus days interspersed throughout the academic year, with one per term.

Residential trip opportunities

The residential trips set out below are part of the wider enrichment offer available to your son/daughter. The costs and durations are provisional and will be confirmed at time of launch. The residential trip offer is planned to allow a variety of opportunities at different stages of your child’s journey through Worthing High.


Iceland – (approximate cost £800) 4 days, 3 nights 

An opportunity to explore a diverse range of habitats, geographical formations and witness first-hand the impact of the climate change on local glaciers. Experience Iceland's volcanic landscape, learn about plate tectonics and geothermal energy as an alternative energy sources and experience natural wonders such as the Northern Lights

Next trip – February 2025

Launch date – Spring 2024

Science-Belgium - (approximate cost £550) - 5 days and 4 nights  

Scientific inspiration – experience life as an astronaut at the Euro Space Centre. Launched to students at the mid-point of Year 7 or Year 8, students will be Year 8 or 9 upon departure. 

Next trip – May 2025

Launch date – Spring 2024

Ski Trip - skiing for all abilities (approx. cost £1000) - 8 days and 7 nights 

Ski trip offering challenge and inspiring resilience, confidence and self-esteem whilst experiencing another culture.  Launched to students at the start of Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students will be Year 8, 9 or 10 upon departure.

Next trip – February 2026

Launch date – Spring 2025

Physical Education - Valencia/Inter Milan (approx. cost £795) - 5 nights and 4 days 

Sports tour – developing student’s resilience and developing their excellence in sport in a different cultural environment. Launched to students at the start of Year 8 or Year 9, students will be Year 9 or 10 upon departure.

Next trip - May 2025

Launch date – Spring 2024

History - Berlin - Year 9 (approx. cost £560) - 4 days and 3 nights 

In-depth study of Nazi Germany. An opportunity for cultural, political, spiritual and social development as well as historical relevance and opportunities for linguists. Launched to students at the end of Year 8 and Year 9 upon departure.

Next trip – July 2025

Launch date – Summer 2024

Geography Italy - Year 10 (approx. cost £600) 4 days and 3 nights 

Visit of locations that will develop knowledge which can be used in their GCSE Geography exams and opportunity also to experience another culture. Launched to students at the end of Year 9 and Year 10 upon departure.

Next Trip - July 2025

Launch date – Summer 2024

Media London - Year 10 (approx. cost £205) - 2 days and 1 night 

Development in the understanding of the world of media.  Launched to students at the end of Year 9 and Year 10 upon departure.

Next trip – March/April 2025

Launch date – Summer 2024



German School Exchange Visit - approx. cost £350 - Years 8-10 

A great trip that builds cultural capital and provides international learning through practical immersion. Our "partner" school send their students here for a one week immersion and then Worthing High students go to Germany for a reciprocal visit.