Changes to forthcoming Parent Events
Given the increase in Covid cases and to support the safety of our students and their families, we have taken the decision to postpone/change some of our after school parent events
13 January 2022 – Year 9 SRE – As communicated last term, this will be held remotely, details about how to book have already been shared, if you require any additional support, please contact There is still time to book appointments if you haven’t already done so. Booking closes at 12 Noon on Wednesday 12 January.
20 January 2022 - Awards/Presentation Evening – we have taken the difficult decision to postpone this event, so we are able to hold something face-to-face, later in the academic year and when it is safe to do-so. Details to follow, once we have established a new date.
27 January 2022 – Year 9 Curriculum Choices Evening – This event will now take place virtually. The evening will include a presentation about the process around choosing options, parents/carers and students will then be able to join subject specific presentations from our subject leaders, to learn more about the subjects offered at Key Stage 4. Details about the times of presentations will be shared nearer the time, but please keep the date in your diary as it will still take place from 5pm on 27 January, on Zoom.