Summer Learning Pack Information
All of our students have been provided with a summer learning pack for each subject that they study.
The aim is to ensure that students continue to engage with academic work over the summer holidays, which is a period of time that evidence has shown that students regress in their learning.
This is an important part of our “recovery curriculum” to help students continue to make progress after the disruption to education over the last 16 months. We also recognise that students need a break from work to recharge their batteries ahead of the new academic year, and have considered this carefully when deciding what work and how much is set.
Work is being set by each of your child’s current teachers in the following format. Completed work should be handed in on Google Classroom or as a hard copy (for option subjects in year 9) to their teachers by the start of the new term in September.
A guide to accessing work on Google Classroom can be found here
If your child has any difficulty in accessing their work through Google Classroom, please contact