Year 11 Mock Information
As we approach the final two weeks of term, I wanted to clarify arrangements for the mock exams and update you on a few important upcoming events.
Before I do this, I would like to thank our Year 11s for returning to school in such a positive frame of mind. Their attitude to learning, hard work and commitment to period 6’s and 0’s has been phenomenal. I would also like to thank parents and carers for their support at the start of an extremely challenging term.
Mock exams
As you will be aware, this year, the Year 11s will have a period of study leave, from Wednesday 14th October until the end of term on 23rd October, throughout the mock examination period. We will be reminding students, in an assembly today that the purpose of study leave is to support preparation for the exams. It gives students the time and space to independently revise and prepare, as they will have to, in the summer exams. We will also be reminding students that they must be at home studying, if they are not in school sitting an exam.
This year mock exams are even more crucial than normal, as we do not know how the disruption caused by the Covid 19 might affect the academic year. If we are in a situation where students receive a Centre Assessed Grade (CAG), rather than sitting a terminal GCSE, we must have accurate and robust information, mock results will be a key part of this.
All students have now received a timetable and should know where and when their exams are. We ask that students arrive 15 minutes before the start of the exam, so we can line them up and get them seated for a prompt start:
9:00 exams - arrive at 8:45
11:30 exams - arrive at 11:15
14:30 exams - arrive at 14:15
Students must arrive on time. If students are ill/self-isolating and they are too unwell to sit an exam, we ask that you follow the normal protocol and phone the school for non-Covid related illnesses or email for Covid related absence. Students who have missed exam(s) will sit these at a later date.
We are following Public Health England and DfE Covid guidance to ensure our mock examinations are conducted safely, students will be permitted to wear plain face coverings if they wish to and all
invigilators will wear appropriate PPE throughout the examination series.
If you have any questions or queries, ahead of the mock exams, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s form tutor. If you have any concerns over providing equipment, like calculators, please contact
Mr Beda,
Brighton College Scholarship
We would like to make you aware of an exciting local opportunity with Brighton College, one of the top achieving independent schools in the country. They will be offering fully funded scholarships for students to study post-16 at their College. This opportunity is available for Pupils who would be the first in their families to attend university.
For more information on the scholarship programme, please see the Brighton College website or speak to Mr Vale, our Brighton College liaison For more information, including FAQ’s please visit our website.
Please be aware, there is a virtual information evening, on Wednesday, 11th November. Use the following link to apply.
Kind regards
Mr A Cook Mr M Beda
Deputy Headteacher Year 11 Progress Leader