Return to School Parent Meetings - Updated 10.9.20
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Dear Parents and Carers (emailed 4.9.20)
I hope you have enjoyed a restful summer and your child is looking forward to returning to school next week. I wanted to update you on our arrangements for the welcome evenings that will be taking place in week one and two of the first half term. So we are compliant with the latest Government guidance, we are only able to meet in groups no larger than 30. To accommodate this we will be hosting the welcome evenings in tutor groups, in venues big enough to socially distance.
Below is a complete timetable for every year group with the venue for the meeting. As you will see there are two 30 minute slots, please can you ensure you arrive promptly so we are able to finish on time to prepare the room for the second group.
In order to observe the 30 person gathering rule we can only extend this invitation to just one parent/carer, with their child. We also ask that you use a specific entrance:
Millennium hall – rear doors of the hall (straight off the car park)
LRC – Main reception
Sports Hall – double doors next to the hall
Drama – Student service entrance
I would encourage you to come to this meeting as it will be an opportunity to hear key messages about the year ahead, how we are managing reintegration into school, exam information (where appropriate) and also an opportunity to meet your child’s tutor.
Kind regards
Mr P Panayiotou