Message to new Year 7s
Message to new Year 7 parents and carers
School Acceptance Forms
Please can any parents who have not yet returned the completed school acceptance form, a copy of 2020/21 Council Tax bills and Student information sheet take photographs of all three and Email them to The deadline to return the forms is 3 April 2020.
Y7 PGL Residential
We are hopeful that this trip will still go ahead in September. We know that the first deposit is due by 1st April and most of you will not have received your login details for Wisepay. These will be sent as soon as you have accepted your place at Worthing High School. We have extended the date so that deposits can be paid by 1st May 2020.
While waiting for the Wisepay login details, to help us with numbers, please email to express your interest for your child to attend.