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Worthing High School

Worthing High School

Latest News

Our latest news stories are below:

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  • 22/02/24

    Secretary state for education visits WHS

    The Rt Hon Gillian Keegan MP
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  • 18/04/24


    Taster Mornings for current year 5 pupils are now available to book. Information has been sent to local primary schools. 
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  • 14/03/24

    UK Maths Challenge Results KS4

    Our KS4 students Year 9s and Year 10s achievement in UKMT challenge competition which took place on the 31 January achieved bronze and silver certificates and Colin Yu in Year 9 earned a place to move up to the next level challenge.   
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  • 14/03/24

    STEAM - Faraday Challenge Winners

    STEAM Update - Faraday Challenge Tuesday 12 March, 6 students were taken to participate in the Faraday Challenge. An annual competition with a real-world challenge for pupils aged 12-13 years. Students were given a brief, which asks them to design a device which solved a problem. The students...
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  • 25/01/24

    Information from WSCC - Promoting Tax Free Childcare to parents and carers

    Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) is a childcare top-up for working parents. It can be used to help pay for accredited holiday clubs, childminders, or sports activities. TFC enables parents and carers to access childcare during the school holidays, saving them money. It is estimated that there are 1.3 millio...
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  • 25/01/24

    Message from Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

    We have mental health workshops, all led by experienced CAMHS clinicians or partner organisations which will take place virtually until July 2024. Each webinar will be available at two different times, once during the day (10am) and once in the evening (7pm) to make it as easy as possible for people...
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  • 04/01/24

    #NeuroNinja Parent Partnership Programme - Action your Potential

    As a school community we work with Action Your Potential to support our students, parents and carers and staff to build the metacognitive skills of becoming a #NeuroNinja. A #NeuroNinja is someone who understands how their brain works.  Our brain is shaped by 4 psycho-social forces.  Ou...
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  • 18/10/23

    Maths Puzzle Club

    We had an enormous amount entries for this competition which will be done every half term. The students are encouraged to solve problem solving questions. This competition is only open to WHS students. I just want to congratulate all of our students who entered this competition. Thank you M...
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  • 05/10/23

    Fundraising at Worthing High School

    We had a brilliant start to our fundraising at Worthing High raising £246.34 with some incredibly creative cakes! The fundraising doesn’t just happen at school. We want our students to host their own bake sales for friends, family and the community. Last year this external effort doub...
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  • 28/09/23

    What parents and Carers need to know about the Dangers of Vaping

      ➡️ DOWNLOAD YOUR GUIDE      
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  • 21/09/23

    Cake Sales and Competitions

                           Cake sales and competitions: Worthing High School’s charity events kick off this year, as usual, with the Macmillan Coffee Morning. As a school we would also like to support those who have been impac...
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