Emotional & Mental Health & Wellbeing
Youth Agencies for Emotional Support
Young Minds - This is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and empowering their parents and carers.
You can email to parents@youngminds.org.uk
Helpline: 0808 802 5544
YoungMinds Parents’ Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am -4pm) or email parents@youngminds.org.uk or chat online (Monday to Friday 11am to 1pm)
Childline - Emotional support for children and young people on issues relating to child abuse, bullying etc
Tel: 0800 111
Self Harm and Suicide:
Charlie Walker Memorial Trust - Awareness, information and resources for those who are depressed
Samaritans - 24 hour helpline offering emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair or thinking about suicide
Tel: 0845 790 9090 (any time)
PAPYRUS - Parent Association for the prevention of young suicide
Harmless - Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self harm including support, training and consultancy to people who self harm, their friends, families and professionals.
This is a charity aimed at supporting young people aged between 11 and 19. It provides a safe space to talk, ask questions and be honest about what’s going on in life.
Anxiety UK - Helps all those suffering from anxiety disorders. Section on young people and anxiety
Tel: 08444 775 774
No Panic - Helpline for anxiety disorders, panic attacks etc. Provides advice, counselling, listening, befriending and can make referrals.
Tel: 0808 138 8889 (10am -10pm every day)
CBT Online
Eating Disorders:
Anorexia and Bulimia Care (ABC) - This organisation supports sufferers, their family and their friends towards full recovery.
Boy Anorexia
Winston’s Wish - for bereaved children and their families
Tel: 08452 03 04 05 (2p per minute)
Alcohol and Drugs:
NACOA (National Association for Children of Alcoholics)
Tel: 0800 358 3456 (Freephone)
FRANK –information and confidential advice regarding drugs
Tel: 0300 123 6600 live chat 2-6pm
Other areas of mental health and emotional wellbeing:
NHS Sussex Partnership – provides NHS care and treatment for people living in south east England.
Tel: 0300 304 0100
2 Lennox Road Worthing West Sussex BN11 1DA 9am – 9pm 01903 205 555 (visits in person)
Central number - free from landline or mobile 116 123
Safeguarding issues can also be addressed through a member of the Safeguarding team