Opening Times
School Opening Times
School starts at 8.40 am with registration and ends at 3.10 pm - (total school week 32.5 hours)
Students can arrive from 08.00am when supervision is provided in the Learning Resource Centre.
Students should not arrive at school before 07.30am unless they are attending a supervised activity.
Students arriving after 8.40 am will be marked late and a 15 minute detention after school imposed immediately.
Repetition of this offence leads to a full detention.
Student Absence Telephone Line: 01903 229290 - Please call before 9:00am
- 8.40-9.00 Registration/Assembly
- 9.00 Period One
- 10.05 Period Two
- 11.05 Break
- 11.20 End of Break
- 11.25 Period Three
- 12.30 Period Four
- 1.30 Lunch break
- 2.15 Period 5
- 3.10 End of School Day
School Holidays
The school is generally open from 8am to 4pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3.30pm on Friday, in the school holidays apart from Bank Holidays and during our Christmas closure period. For term dates please see this page.
Adverse Weather Policy
If the school has to close due to adverse weather conditions the following communication will take place by 7.30am. Closure may be full or partial and only the Headteacher can agree to a closure.
- All Parents/Carers will receive a text and email message informing them of the closure information (the message may be received the previous day in some circumstances)
- The school website/twitter and facebook sites will be updated with the closure information
- Local radio stations will be advised of the closure to enable them to make announcements including Wave 105, Spirit and Splash
If you need to contact the school regarding the closure please use the main school email: as our main switchboard will not be open.