Our shared vision is to challenge your child at every opportunity; to be curious, independent, resilient, kind and most importantly academically inspired.
To achieve this aim, we endeavour:
- to provide each student with the opportunities to develop intellectually and to build the academic foundations required for his or her future life.
- to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, differentiated according to the needs of students, encouraging lively, enquiring minds, self-confidence, initiative and independent learning.
- to provide all students with the basic and transferable skills needed for effective living in a rapidly changing world.
- to provide a safe and secure environment in which each student can develop as an individual and as a member of a caring community.
- to promote involvement with the social and economic community, both inside and outside the school.
- to provide the academic, personal and social developments for all our students.
Worthing High School is the lead school of South Downs Education Trust (SDET). It has been in operation since September 2018 and has seen the school and trust grow and develop year on year.
Worthing High School’s main focus is ensuring that all pupils from all backgrounds and with all abilities make the best progress possible and are able to leave Worthing High School with strong academic qualifications and a strong ‘moral compass’ provided by our school’s core values of community, respect, integrity, resilience and excellence.
Worthing High promotes a culture of continuous improvement in all aspects of school life.
I hope you are excited and inspired by what you learn about Worthing High School. The school continues on a fantastic journey, growing year on year. Our environment and staff are dedicated to achieving the very best outcomes for your child.
Pan Panayiotou
Executive Headteacher/CEO South Downs Education Trust