Please also see our Inclusion Pages on the school website HERE.
Department Vision
All students with SEND will be successful members of the community, academically, emotionally, physically and socially. They will have met their individual targets by the time they leave Worthing High School. They will always strive for excellence, show resilience and overcome individual barriers whilst being respectful of other people’s barriers to learning.
Curriculum Sequencing
Curriculum Intent KS3
Key stage 3:
Students will develop their Literacy skills in line with the year 3 programme of study for English. This is the targeted end point for intervention.
Students will be taught discrete literacy skills from the primary curriculum. These are individualised to the learners to ensure progress is made in identified areas of difficulty.
Topics will be progressive and allow students to embed their discrete skills within different context.
Curriculum Intent KS4
Key Stage 4:
Students will achieve qualifications that are meaningful and appropriate for them as individual learners.
Students will be supported in achieving their individual targets through targeted English and Maths teaching within Curriculum Support.
Students will study a vocational certificate in home cooking within year 10 to develop independence skills and gain an additional qualification.
Pupils who are at risk of not achieving a GCSE in English and Maths will be taught and entered for an Entry Level qualification.
Curriculum Implementation
All teachers in Inclusion have extensive knowledge of SEND and strategies for engaging pupils with barriers to learning.
Teaching staff are encouraged to discuss their practice and informal CPL within the department enables teachers and LSA’s to learn from each other to ensure consistency of approach and practice.
All teachers apply relevant pedagogy to help support the learning of SEND pupils.
Pupils are screened and diagnostic testing ensures that teaching is targeted to the pupils that need additional support.
Pupils have purple feedback sheets within their books for feedback. This is aimed at being metacognitive and praising effort and focusses on the process needed to achieve an outcome.
Inclusion staff will work cross-departmentally to ensure the correct pupils are targeted for interventions and that pupils identified as having SEND are making progress.