Business Partner Quotes
Congratulations on the event you held yesterday. It was such an inspiring day for me to be part of. After the last two years, I was amazed at the way young people came in and showed their resilience, determination and focus for their future, was a wonderful experience. For me Jessica and Hannah need a special mention as they were completely out of their comfort zone and could have walked out at any moment, however they were incredible and persevered with the interview with grace, courage and bravery.
Janina Cooper - Smart Minds Training
“It was a pleasure to be part of the Big Interview day, the year 10 students did themselves proud showing resilience, manners, politeness and brilliantly developing communication skills. I was very impressed with the way they addressed their fears talking to strangers and expressing their strengths. At 14/15 years of age it is hard to unpick what skills you have gained in your short life especially in the fast paced world we live in. All of the students accepted constructive criticism and suggestions and to see so many of them arrive looking apprehensive and scared then leaving with huge smiles and a sense of achievement was evidence enough to the validity of this event. I look forward to taking part in many more activities like this in the future.”
Joyanne Williamson - Speech and Language specialist
‘I found the whole experience extremely rewarding and was really proud of the creativeness from all the students. They are all really talented individuals - many of them clearly have a good grasp of business and will be great leaders in the future.’
Mark Schools of HMRC
‘Its so important to prepare children for the world of work, I never had anything like this when I went to School. Its great to see that Worthing High School is preparing these students and giving them the best opportunity to succeed. I would like to thank Phil Dean and his team for the work that they do’.
Mark Cropley Director, White Box
‘Just wanted to say how much of a pleasure it was having George with us this week. He made a real impression with his confidence, likeable personality, and willingness to throw himself into whatever challenge came his way. We pretty much ripped up our standard work experience template as it soon became clear he was incredibly bright and able to take on much more complex tasks than we would usually give to a Year 10 student.
I really hope he enjoyed himself (I think he did) and he’d be welcome back at any time. I’m just putting together a mini portfolio of some of his work and will send that on once completed.’
Pete McIntosh, Group Head of Music/Programme Controller, More Radio & Isle of Wight Radio
‘Thank you it was a total pleasure to support Worthing High with work experience. The business partners workshop was a fantastic way to gather business leaders and students together to share best practices form work experience and allow a reflection of how the experiences can be transferred into later life. I enjoyed answering questions and sharing my experiences of the employment market to aid the next generation. The students at Worthing High were a keen to learn and the workshops have allowed them to share their experiences with the next year’s students to put them in best place to seize the work experience opportunities next year.
Mark Mears, Branch Director, Santander
‘Your students always have me in awe as they throw themselves at work experience week 110%! Kathie Crane, Finance Director, Prosperon Networks
‘We haven't ever had work experience students of that quality before from anywhere. They really did themselves and the school proud. They were polite, really listened and took the initiative. In particular Jackson, Lauren and Aaron really went out of their way assisting with PE. Our Sports Coach said that they never just stood around waiting to be told to do something, they took it upon themselves to find ways to help without having to be told and got stuck in with teaching the children.
Georgie Brown-Felpts, Thomas A Beckett Junior School